
Lightroom Fujifilm Profiles vs VSCO Film 04

Back in April, Adobe released Lightroom 5.4 with color profiles for Fujifilm cameras. Up until that point, I had been using the VSCO Film presets as a starting point for editing most of my RAW files in Lightroom. Since the Lightroom update however, I find that I'm now using the Lightroom profiles more and more. To get a better idea of the actual difference between the two, I decided to do a comparison by editing some RAW files using both. Here are a set images I shot recently edited using the Lightroom Velvia profile and the VSCO Film 04 Velvia 100 preset. As you can see, the differences are subtle but apparent. While I prefer the results produced by the Lightroom profile, I think the case can be made for using either as a starting point. I guess at the end of the day, I'm just happy that I now have two different places to start from when editing my RAW files from my Fujifilm cameras.

Lightroom Velvia Profile

VSCO Film 04 Velvia 100 Preset